Vale Testing
Who is Vale Training Solutions?
Vale Training is a Sedgwick company that specializes in training and certification of claims and repair specialists. For a complete description of company history and services please click here
Who is Dented?
Dented is the sole approved Canadian administer of the Vale PDR Certification testing program. Given the highly unregulated nature of PDR in Canada, Dented feels that giving Canadian PDR technicians access to certification is a necessary step in legitimizing the PDR industry. Vale’s predefined program combined with the use of the Optimap2 digital surface measuring device, Dented can administer this test in an unbiased and objective manner.
What is Vale PDR Certification?
Vale PDR Certification is a timed, repeatably objective evaluation of actual multiple paintless dent repairs on both steel and aluminum panels. The repeatable and unbiased measurement is conducted with an Optimap2, a digital-optic surface measuring device that utilizes Phase Stepped Deflectometry (PSD). The Optimap2 not only provides colour mapping but a cross-sectional analysis of the pre and post repair. This device is capable of measuring surface imperfections to the micron! Repairs completed with predesignated parameters results in a technician successfully completing the test. The successful technician will be assigned a Vale I.D., certification level and be added to Vale’s database, verifying their successful completion of the certification.
Why is Vale Certification important?
As a customer: Peace of mind. Vale Certification ensures that the PDR Technician has the verifiable skill level in the removal of dents.
As a technician: Vale Certification allows you to verify your skill through a credible third party. Sedwick is an industry leader in training and certification for many trades and skills. As the PDR market becomes more competitive, this Certification builds professional credibility and is another tool in your tool kit that helps set you apart from your competition.
Who can get tested?
Testing is available to any PDR technician within our jurisdiction.
Vale testing occurs throughout Central and Western Canada although largers groups out East can be accommodated.
How do I get more information?
Please complete the form below and a Vale representative will contact you shortly to answer any questions you have.
Once achieving Vale PDR Certification
Vale Certified Technicians are assigned a Vale ID number and Vale Digital ID card.
Certified Technicians are encouraged guide customers to Vale’s database in where they can search and verify your certification.
Their name, ID and certificate level gets input into Vale’s database and posted on ValeTraining Solutions website to “prove” authenticity of certificate achievement.
Vale Certified Technicians are leaders within the field. In support of this differentiator, Vale has sanctioned all eligible Vale Certified Technicians access to preferred pricing on select Mitchell software and products. This includes Mitchell Cloud Estimating, Mitchell TechAdvisor, and Mitchell’s MD-500. Together, we provide access to everything you need to perform safe and quality repairs!